3rd congressional district candidates

if (chevron.hasClass('fa-chevron-up')) { What areas of public policy are you personally passionate about? border-radius: 7px 7px 0 0; border-radius: 50%; New York Party Control: 1992-2022 $("div.vis_widget_title").click(function(){ padding: 2px; padding-top: 8px; .electionsectionheading { Click here to read about FiveThirtyEight's criteria for including polls in its aggregation. font-size: 0.9em; .leg-hnt-leadership-title { The outcome of this race affected the partisan balance of the U.S. House of Representatives in the 118th Congress. The Working Families Partyprimary election was canceled. Federal and state primary competitiveness, Ballotpedia's Election Analysis Hub, 2022, California's 3rd Congressional District election, 2022 (June 7 top-two primary), Ballotpedia's Candidate Connection survey, Redistricting in California after the 2020 census, Primary election competitiveness in state and federal government, 2022, The Cook Political Report's Partisan Voter Index, Presidential election in California, 2020, California's 3rd Congressional District election, 2020, California's 3rd Congressional District election, 2018, California's 3rd Congressional District election, 2016, California's 3rd Congressional District elections, 2014, Ballot access for major and minor party candidates, Congressional incumbents not running for re-election, Cooperative of American Physicians IE Committee, Ken Carbullido, Vice President of Election Product and Technology Strategy, https://ballotpedia.org/wiki/index.php?title=California%27s_3rd_Congressional_District_election,_2022&oldid=9012099, Pages using DynamicPageList parser function, Pages using DynamicPageList dplreplace parser function, Conflicts in school board elections, 2021-2022, Special Congressional elections (2023-2024), 2022 Congressional Competitiveness Report, State Executive Competitiveness Report, 2022, State Legislative Competitiveness Report, 2022, Partisanship in 2022 United States local elections, **Note: Percentages for race and ethnicity may add up to more than 100 percent because respondents may report more than one race and the Hispanic/Latino ethnicity may be selected in conjunction with any race. Help expand Ballotpedia's elections coverage - volunteer with us. Source. .census-table-section-header { The 3rd District was redrawn following the 2020 census to encompass the northern portion of Nassau County and parts of Queens. .votebox { How long did you have it? background-color: #D9D9D9; } } $(this).next('div.vis_widget_table').slideToggle('normal'); .results_row.winner { Seven incumbents did not face any primary challengers this year. padding: 5px; } } } position: relative; The primary elections took place on June 28, 2016. I became a Wall Street financier and investor, with extensive work in capital introduction, real estate, capital markets, bio-tech and ETC. } } font-size: 12px; Washington's 3rd Congressional district Democratic candidate Marie Gluesenkamp Perez and Republican candidate Joe Kent make their way to the stage in front of a full house at the RV Inn. } vertical-align: middle; font-size: 90%; justify-content: center; }); color: #0645ad; display: block; Joe Biden (D) would have received 47.9% of the vote in this district and Donald Trump (R) would have received 49.7%.[1]. $('.collapse').collapse('hide'); [29], 2006 If you are having problems contacting your representative, you can report the problem using the Contact Webmaster form, write or call your elected representative, or visit the member's website for alternate contact information. No candidates in the special election filed to run in the regularly-scheduled general election, meaning the winner of the special election would only serve in Congress until Jan. 3, 2023. Both my mother and father legally immigrated to the United States in search of the American dream, where they began their new lives on the foundations of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. In the U.S. House of Representatives, I will work to end the inflation crisis and lower gas prices that are plaguing all Americans. } } overflow-y: hidden; padding-top: 5px; The filing deadline was March 11, 2022. If I could be any fictional character, I would be Captain America. }); margin-bottom: 0px; display: inline-block; let item = jQuery('.votebox .indicate_scroll').get(index); .census-table-race-disclaimer { margin-right: 10px; border: 1px solid #DDDDDD; } $(window).on('resize',resizeChevron); He defeated Blair Mathies (D) in the general election. [30], 2004 This section contains data on U.S. House primary election competitiveness in New York. If you are aware of other links that should be included, please email us. .leg-hnt-border-top { A legacy of providing a better healthcare system for our district and country, while helping people be stronger advocates for each other and builders of their communities. .inner_percentage, .inner_percentage.Nonpartisan, .inner_percentage.Independent, .inner_percentage.Constitution, .inner_percentage.unknown { I became a Wall Street financier and investor, with extensive work in capital introduction, real estate, capital markets, bio-tech and ETC. max-width: 75px; } border-top: 1px solid #ddd; } background-color: #db0000; letter-spacing: .03em; } else { @media only screen and (min-width: 600px) { Washington's 3rd Congressional District has favored Republican candidates for the past decade, and most non-partisan watchers like the Cook Political Report projected the district to lean towards . All 435 House districts were up for election. } overflow-y: auto; line-height: 1.5em; color: #888; width: 100%; }); overflow: hidden; font-weight: normal !important; color: white; chevron.addClass('fa-chevron-up'); widget_load_check_dom() column-count: auto; }) } Withdrawn or disqualified candidates I will stand up for police and let them do their job, keeping our community safe. text-align: left !important; The Conservative Partyprimary election was canceled. } font-weight: bold; } .votebox-results-metadata { if (chevron.hasClass('fa-chevron-down')) { .race_header.libertarian { .answers-container { $("div.vis_widget_title").each(function(index) { width: 100% !important; .question-scroll-container { .results_table_container { border-top: 1px solid #ddd; Healthcare: A few years ago, my mom was diagnosed with Stage 4 lung cancer. The general election was on November 8, 2022. } color: white; What was the absentee/mail-in ballot return deadline? margin-top: 5px; .votebox-results-cell--number { font-size: 1.25em; display: block; chevron.removeClass('fa-chevron-up'); }

letter-spacing: 0.03em; column-rule: 1px solid #aaa; The table below displays the historical trifecta status of the state. } Affordable, quality, health care should be a right for every American. } border-left: 1px solid #ddd; }
   .placeholder {} if (typeof $  !=  'undefined') { 	.leg-hnt-toggle-text { George Devolder-Santos  (Republican, Conservative). } Melanie D'Arrigo  advanced  from the  Working Families Party primary for U.S. House New York District 3. function defer() { @media only screen and (max-width: 600px) { . 	font-style: italic; Below was the map in use at the time of the election, enacted as part of the 2020 redistricting cycle, compared to the map in place before the election. border-radius: 7px 7px 0 0;  	}    .census-table-source { 	function indicateScroll (){ The Cook Partisan Voter Index for this district was R+4, meaning that in the previous two presidential elections, this district's results were 4 percentage points more Republican than the national average. Kent moved to Washington's 3rd Congressional District from Oregon in 2020. } The table below details filing requirements for U.S. House candidates in California in the 2022 election cycle. } else { 	} .mw-body #mw-content-text .votebox .race_header h5.votebox-header-election-type { margin-bottom: 25px; 	padding-left: 8px;  An ex-Green Beret who worked for the CIA, Kent entered politics after his wife Shannon Kent, a Navy linguist, was. 		flex-wrap: wrap; 	margin: 8px auto; }  	font-size: 20px; Candidates are asked three required questions for this survey, but they may answer additional optional questions as well. 	margin: 0px 10px; John Kerry, being the exception, still defeated George W. Bush by a comfortable 14 points. Was early voting available to all voters? The table below details the results of the 2020 presidential election in each district at the time of the 2022 election and its political predecessor district. To read those survey responses, click here.        background-color: #D9D9D9; U.S. House, 3rd District Democrats Incumbent U.S. Rep. Cindy Axne will seek reelection in the 3rd District, which includes Des Moines and Council Bluffs in the state's southwest corner. Research: Josh Altic  }. } } There were no incumbents in this race. Robert Zimmerman  defeated Jon Kaiman, Joshua Lafazan, Melanie D'Arrigo, and Reema Rasool in the  Democratic primary for U.S. House New York District 3 on August 23, 2022. padding-left: 75px; 	line-height: 1.5em; 		font-weight: bold; } The table below displays the partisan composition of California's congressional delegation as of November 2022. Our woke congresswoman Marie Perez votes in lockstep w/ the radical left's agenda that's crushing working . From an early age, I was taught the value of hard work by my mother. 		padding: 2px 0; border: 1px solid #DDDDDD; } [13] Click here to view the reporting schedule for candidates for U.S. Congress in 2022. 	margin-top: 0px; border-radius: 0 0 7px 7px; Incumbent John Garamendi (D) defeated Dan Logue (R) in the general election. Tech: Matt Latourelle  Nathan Bingham  Ryan Burch  Kirsten Corrao  Travis Eden  Tate Kamish  Margaret Kearney  Joseph Sanchez. New York's 3rd Congressional District election, 2022 (August 23 Republican primary) Candidates and election results General election General election for U.S. House New York District 3 George Devolder-Santos defeated Robert Zimmerman in the general election for U.S. House New York District 3 on November 8, 2022. } 		column-width: 175px; There were seven open seats this year, a decade-high. padding-top: 30px !important; 	.leg-hnt-responsive-columns { .votebox-covid-disclaimer { $("div.vis_widget_title").each(function(index) { color: #aaa; } .results_table { Before the Arizona Independent Redistricting Commission's final redistricting draft, most of the area was in Arizona's 7th Congressional District. margin-top: 0;    }  		clear: both; 	padding:7px 8px 8px; .mw-body #mw-content-text th.votebox-results-cell--text { 	} My grandparents fled Jewish persecution in Ukraine, settled in Belgium, and again fled persecution during WWII. Federal and state primary competitiveness, Ballotpedia's Election Analysis Hub, 2022, Ballotpedia's Candidate Connection survey, New York's 3rd Congressional District election, 2022 (August 23 Democratic primary), New York's 3rd Congressional District election, 2022 (August 23 Republican primary), Redistricting in New York after the 2020 census, Primary election competitiveness in state and federal government, 2022, The Cook Political Report's Partisan Voter Index, New York's 3rd Congressional District election, 2020, New York's 3rd Congressional District election, 2018, New York's 3rd Congressional District election, 2016, New York's 3rd Congressional District elections, 2014, New York's 3rd Congressional District elections, 2012, Michigan's 12th Congressional District election, 2022 (August 2 Democratic primary), North Carolina's 1st Congressional District election, 2022 (May 17 Republican primary), Oregon gubernatorial election, 2022 (May 17 Republican primary), Texas Attorney General election, 2022 (March 1 Democratic primary), American Association for Public Opinion Research, Ballot access for major and minor party candidates, Congressional incumbents not running for re-election, Cooperative of American Physicians IE Committee, Ken Carbullido, Vice President of Election Product and Technology Strategy, https://ballotpedia.org/wiki/index.php?title=New_York%27s_3rd_Congressional_District_election,_2022&oldid=9026322, Pages using DynamicPageList parser function, Pages using DynamicPageList dplreplace parser function, Conflicts in school board elections, 2021-2022, Special Congressional elections (2023-2024), 2022 Congressional Competitiveness Report, State Executive Competitiveness Report, 2022, State Legislative Competitiveness Report, 2022, Partisanship in 2022 United States local elections, **Note: Percentages for race and ethnicity may add up to more than 100 percent because respondents may report more than one race and the Hispanic/Latino ethnicity may be selected in conjunction with any race. In 2021, Republican candidates won a number of local races in the district, including the defeat of Nassau County's incumbent executive and winning the county's open district attorney position. I loved every second of it. Fourteen candidates ran to replace Nadler in the 10th district, the most candidates who ran for a seat this year. 	}    } 		flex-direction: column; If you could be any fictional character, who would you want to be? 	position: absolute; 	.leg-hnt-leadership > div { 	width: 100%; 	width: 50px; What do you believe are the core responsibilities for someone elected to this office? Operations: Meghann Olshefski  Mandy Morris  Kelly Rindfleisch } 	margin-top: 1em; if ($('#vis_xs_indicator').is(':hidden') || typeof VoterInfobyState_Resized!='undefined') { Kevin Kiley  defeated Kermit Jones in the  general election for U.S. House California District 3 on November 8, 2022. .quote-icons { padding-right: 62px; chevron.addClass('fa-chevron-up'); } 		break-inside: avoid-column; .inner_percentage { What are the main points you want voters to remember about your goals for your time in office? 	border: 1px solid #999; $('.collapse').collapse('show'); chevron.removeClass('fa-chevron-down'); .race_footer { What characteristics or principles are most important for an elected official? .electionsectionheading { 	} .inner_percentage.Republican {        overflow-x: auto; .multi-survey-header p { 		column-gap: 1em; @media only screen and (max-width: 600px) { 	background-color: grey; .mw-body #mw-content-text .votebox .race_header h3.votebox-header-office-name { 	background-color: #f9d334; }        font-size: 70%; if ($('#vis_xs_indicator').is(':hidden') || typeof VoterInfobyState_Resized!='undefined') {    .census-table-section-header { To read this candidate's full survey responses, click here. 		box-sizing: border-box; Its time to take it back. There were no incumbents in this race. VoterInfobyState_Timeout_jquery = setTimeout(widget_load_check_jquery, 500); 	position: relative; 	font-weight: 100; I took that value into my medical and military service and it continues to inform my approach to politics and public service. 	text-align: center; 	top: 2px; Five districts were left open, meaning no incumbent filed to run there. } else { 	margin-bottom: -2px !important; padding-left: 75px; Rep. Jerrold Nadler (D), who represented the 10th district, ran in the 12th this year. The table below details the results of the 2020 presidential election in each district at the time of the 2022 election and its political predecessor district. 	padding-left: 16px; chevron.addClass('fa-chevron-up'); 

} else { } Incumbents are bolded and underlined. text-align: center; Click the tabs below to view information about voter composition, past elections, and demographics in both the district and the state. width: 100%; .race_header.democratic { if (document.getElementById('leg-hnt-content63c879fdb6a7f').classList.contains('leg-hnt-hide')) { background-color: #ccc; border-top: 1px solid #aaa; left: 0px; If the candidate disagrees with an edit, he or she may request the full removal of the survey response from Ballotpedia.org. Survey responses from candidates in this race. background-color: #003388; font-weight: bold; width: 100%; } chevron.removeClass('fa-chevron-down'); Rep. Carolyn Maloney (D), the incumbent in the 12th district, ran for re-election, making the 12th the only New York district in 2022 where two incumbents ran against each other. Ballotpedia provides race ratings from three outlets: The Cook Political Report, Inside Elections, and Sabato's Crystal Ball. My mother came from nothing, but worked her way up to be the first female executive at a major financial institution. For more information about the primaries in this election, click on the links below: .votebox { Incumbent Tom Suozzi defeated George Devolder-Santos and Howard Rabin in the general election for U.S. House New York District 3 on November 3, 2020. .race_header, .results_text, .results_table_container, .votebox_legend { display: none; No seats were guaranteed to Republicans because no Democrats filed. padding: 15px 15px 5px 15px; What is the first historical event that happened in your lifetime that you remember? box-sizing: border-box; margin: 0; }. padding-bottom: 7px; .leg-hnt-flex-row { .results_text { margin-right: 12px; To notify us of a resource to add, email us. Based in Fort Wayne, . No. background-color: #ccc; I worked for him growing up, picking blueberries for pay, working in the blueberry processing area, and then, when I got older, bailing hay and working on the back of a blueberry picking machine. The table below displays the officeholders in California's top four state executive offices as of November 2022. background-color: #dac113; width: 100%; What was your very first job? .votebox-results-metadata { While there will always be disagreements, we should always be able to find common ground in our desire to serve our communities, protect our families, and be proud of our country. } New York's 3rd Congressional District election, 2022, Ballotpedia's Candidate Connection survey responses. } He defeated Graham Long (D) in the general election. Who do you look up to? function indicateScroll (){ .leg-hnt-section-title { * According to the FEC, "Receipts are anything of value (money, goods, services or property) received by a political committee." font-weight: 500; If you are not a current representative, are there certain committees that you would want to be a part of? !function(){"use strict";window.addEventListener("message",(function(e){if(void 0!==e.data["datawrapper-height"]){var t=document.querySelectorAll("iframe");for(var a in e.data["datawrapper-height"])for(var r=0;r

3rd congressional district candidates