make believe sentence about a frog

Among these may be mentioned the hairy frog of West Africa, Trichobatrachus robustus, some specimens of which have the sides of the body and of the hind limbs covered with long villosities, the function of which is unknown, and its ally Gampsosteonyx batesi, in which the last phalanx of the fingers and toes is sharp, claw-like and perforates the skin. Tree frogs in nature use their slightly sticky toes to gently adhere themselves to the trees they inhabit. It includes about 200 species, distributed over the whole world 1 The word "frog" is in O.E. Again, without sentences, theres no real communication. In some of the discoglossid frogs, however, the seminal duct is quite independent of the kidney, which has its own canal, or true ureter. (Laughter) And she said,Oh, so is that true for humans too? (411) Every attempt to turn the cursed frog back into his princely form was thwarted by the cruel queen. Frogs and toads occur wherever insect food is procurable, and their distribution is a world-wide one, with the exception of many islands. Detailed Definition and Meaning. (150) In a flash, the prince turned into a frog. While frogs may be harmless, there will always be the risk of encountering a few snakes as well. (509) Other genera of the family are parasitic on Hemiptera - bugs and frog-hoppers - but nothing is known as to the details of their life-history. (464) No matter whether I'm facing a giant elephant or a tiny tree frog, my goal is to connect us with them, eye to eye. (554) To Jack Dancer, who either didn't read the whole article or who doesn't understand scientific inquiry, the finding of this harlequin frog is not about just the frog. (214) Kajang slender litter frog is only known from Mount Kajang. boiling frog syndrome. (338) A red - eyed tree frog will change its skin color to blend in with its surroundings. (637) Of Reptilia Chile is singularly free, there being recorded only eleven species - five saurians, four ophidians, one frog and one toad - but a more thorough survey of the uninhabited territories of the south may increase this list. Frogs and toads are both amphibians. (457) Galvani showed that a frog's legs twitched when he connected the lumbar nerve to a source of electrical current. With a little bit of creativity, a wide variety of pans can be used as frog cake pans. (340) 2Slugs love to attack unguarded eggs, but in this stump, father frog is on guard duty. From the Cambridge English Corpus The frog's eggs are surrounded by a coating of jelly-like mucus. (407) if a frog jumps into a pot of boiling water, it jumps right out again because it senses the danger. (149) nobody is much interested, and the frog dies. (552) The Crabeating Frog LRB Fejervarya cancrivora RRB is a frog native to southeastern Asia including the Philippines and more rarely as far west as Orissa in India. Sentences build language, and give it personality. He studied the nature of muscular contraction, causing a muscle to record its movements on a smoked glass plate, and he worked out the problem of the velocity of the nervous impulse both in the motor nerves of the frog and in the sensory nerves of man. (582) U.K.-based David Maitland observed from midnight to a.m. as a rare Morelet's tree frog doggedly refused to become supper for a cat-eyed snake-and still didn't see the conclusion. (422) An Australian tree-frog (Hyla peronii) is naturalized in many parts of the north island of New Zealand. Many have the power of changing colour, a faculty which they share only with various frogs, toads and fishes. This plan of structure, apparently evolved out of the rhachitomous type by suppression of the pleurocentra and the downward extension of the neural arch, leads to that characteristic of frogs in which, as development shows, the vertebra is formed wholly or for the greater part by the neural arch (14). In 1979, Wilton, the U.S.'s premiere manufacturer of cake-decorating supplies and products for the home baker, released a frog cake pan (number 2105-2452) that is no longer sold on its website. (543) African bullfrogs are found throughout southern, central and eastern Africa and are second only in size to the almighty goliath frog from the Cameroon. (93) Frogman always dies like a dead frog. However, the two frogs decided to ignore what the others were saying and they proceeded to try and jump out of the pit. (258) The wicked fairy bewitched the prince and turned him into a frog. (192) The frog in well knows nothing of the great ocean. So, it's time to replace Froggy, plus I ordered the 3pk of FROG, Duckie, and Teddy Bear. Like circuses, cockfighting , and greyhound racing, Upon arriving at the bistro, guests can dine on appetizers such as, In some places it is primeval and wet, where streaky barked eucalyptus strive upwards through dripping mists alive with, Now and then the net is too quick, the lance pierces, the gun flicks and that, The bat, along with an orange spider and a yellow-spotted, Fish and Wildlife Service may evenly divide the court and produce a stalemate that buys the little, Phyllobates terribilis the Golden Poison Frog or the Golden Dart Frog is a poison dart, Objective To observe the effects of the external fixation of, He is not,said Avery. (454) The dispute was focused on the dusky gopher frog, an amphibian protected under the federal Endangered Species Act. Draw the outline of a large frog shape on a long piece of parchment paper. (502) In rain you must be feeling to go outdance aroundsing songsmeet friendsjump aroundno worry!Every frog feels the same.Happy rainy-day. (616) The good news is that, with a little bit of habitat restoration and fewer flights, the frog populations, once diminishing during the 1980s and early '90s, have pretty much returned to normal. (674) English Sentences with Audio Using the Word "frog". (540) African bullfrogs are found throughout southern, central and eastern Africa and are second only in size to the almighty goliath frog from the Cameroon. (440) I liked the name Frog Brigade because it lent itself to a lot of cool imagery with the whole frog thing. (549) Perched on a high-elevation cloud forest leaf the arboreal Hispaniolan crowned frog had not been seen since 1991 until this picture was taken in October 2010. (622) But it turns out that about 80 percent of the genes known to cause diseases in humans have counterparts in the genome of Xenopus tropicalisthe western clawed frog native to sub-Saharan Africa. (481) Poison dart frog is the common name of a group of frogs in the family Dendrobatidae They are native to Central and South America. (170) I felt for the ceramic frog in the ballet slipper. (458) There are four species of lizard and three snakes, none of which is venomous; a land tortoise, a turtle and a frog. And somewhere up there would be the chance that a frog would turn into a prince, and similar magical things like that. (187) 1. In some amphibians, such as frogs and toads, the tadpole 's tail is eventually lost by being absorbed into the body. Edible frogs, tree-frogs, lizards, snakes, tortoises and scorpions are found in all parts. (39) and kissed that little frog! They feed on fish, frogs and other aquatic animals, and are innocuous and viviparous. (539) 2New species include a camouflaged gecko, a fanged frog and a fish called the Henamo grunter, named because it makes grunting noises from its swim bladder. Design a mural of a misty pond including frogs and large goldfish, majestic trees, sunshine, clouds, big lily pads and ferns growing along the water's edge. (211) Someone likened his voice to the croaking of a bull-frog. Accessible Descriptions in Technical Communication: Providing Text Alternatives; Recontextualizing the Hyphen in 'Anti-Semitism' Kermit the Frog is the only muppet to have a star. (654) Being with Chacko made Margaret Kochamma feel as though her soul had escaped from the narrow confines of her island country, into the vast extravagant spaces of his. The classic origami frog can be made from traditional Japanese washi paper, smooth origami paper, foil origami paper, translucent origami paper, and wrapping paper. What's more, Leap Frog now has cool features on the official website that make it easy for parents to keep track of what their kids are learning. Whether youre a student or a lifelong learner, is just that: YOURS. You can make the face of a frog or an entire frog's body by using round cakes. This morning when I woke up I felt good because the sun was shining. Whilst male frogs make a quiet, low-pitched call during the breeding season, toads make a louder, higher croak. (131) From the kettle in a frog kick out to. You can also put a smile on your toddler's face with animal-themed raincoats, including ducks, frogs, ladybugs, birds, dragonflies and more. Mice, rats, water-rats and moles, as well as frogs, constitute its principal food. You understand it better but the frog dies in the process. (474) Within a species not all populations may be migratory; this is known as partial migration . Transforming Tiana doll - You can reenact the moment when Tiana changes from a frog into a beautiful princess. (449) My 5 year old daughter liked it, but was very interested when she saw her brother's frog that lived next door. Finally, coat the cake with a thick layer of green buttercream and add frog features with a pastry bag and piping tip. (230) And vice versa for a whale - sized frog adjusted peeper calls. He certainly has some insightful words of wisdom to share. (357) My little sister Jessica thought it was funny to put a frog in my rain boot for a jape. (660) If life has arisen only once on any -- life could originate once per planet, could be extremely common or it could originate once per star or once per galaxy or maybe only once in the entire universe, in which case it would have to be here. Kristen's make-believe friend was named Barney while her sister's imaginary pal was a furry monster called Ed. (389) Extensive use of side dishes of rice, with meat, oysters, cuttlefish, frog, mushrooms and so on. Worksheet. The seafood category also holds frog, alligator, and turtle. (526) Now appearing in the lobby of Stony Brook University Medical Center: a frog that lived in the era of the dinosaurs and is as big as a beach ball. When the other frogs crowded around the pit and saw how deep it was, they told the two frogs that there was no hope left for them. This is not a tadpole. (262) The witch cast/put a spell on the prince and he turned into a frog. Break off one small piece at a time and use it to mold body parts for your frog. (289) 1Tadpoles of a new species of micro-frog swim in a Bornean pitcher plant. If this is the first time you've made a jumping frog, use an origami printable for the jumping frog. The Japanese word for frog, kaeru, is similar to the word that means "return.". (36) inside the belly of a frog. (264) In the frog, lizard, and even bird, it is thin and poorly developed. just kiddin'. Among the inoffensive species are counted the graceful green "tree snake," which pursues frogs, birds and lizards to the topmost branches of the forest; also several species of pythons, the commonest of which is known as the carpet snake. (285) They arrested the men and frog-marched them to the local police station. They are similar in some ways, but they are definitely not the same. Try kissing several frogs but never, ever settle for a toad. English And every part can be transformed; every frog can be transformed in a prince. During the reign of Peisistratus he is said to have visited Athens, on which occasion he related the fable of The Frogs asking for a King, to dissuade the citizens from attempting to exchange Peisistratus for another ruler. "frog" sentence (31) Like a frog in a mill pond. 29. then the Make-believe becomes a reality. (327) mr. kringley if you won't dissect a dead frog, then you'll dissect a live one. Absently, she turned it into a frog then a flower then a piece of wood. (479) There are various peculiar species of frogs, lizards and snakes, including the great frog Rana Guppyi, from 2 to 3 lb in weight. True, there are still words that you dont know. So far as these are an article of general commerce, they come, like frogs, terrapin and turtles, mainly from the counties of the embayment region. The methods of research are essentially those employed by physiologists, the action of substances being studied in the usual way on bacteria, leucocytes, frogs, rabbits and other animals. Even if you cannot find a pan in the shape of a frog, you can always create a frog using normal pans all ready in your cupboard. The arboreal life of the tropical forests has developed the treeclimbing habit among snakes as well as among frogs and toads, and also the habit of mimicry, their colour being in harmony with the foliage or bark of the trees which form their " hunting-grounds.". Xenopus laevis - scientific name for the African clawed frog, one of the model organisms used to study vertebrate development. Frogs, cats, dogs, horses, monkeys, bears, and dragons are just a few examples. In the video, he danced down a make-believe street. (113) From the kettle in frog kick out to. Tree frogs were chirping so abundantly that they sounded like crickets. Email:, I'll use magic on him and turn him into a, The fairy changed the ugly old woman into a, Most toads do not have teeth amphibian, the, My favorite folktale is about a princess and a, It'll go on and produce a tadpole and then a, He said he would steal Tad and fry his fat, He said he would 1)steal Tad and fry his fat, once upon a time, there was a big, strong fighting, now we're cooking! (607) Thus, the fate of a mayfly is primarily determined by the histrionics of neighboring frog, trout, alder, water spider, and the rest of stream life, each playing the environment for the other. (355) The bull-frog of the eastern United States and Canada, reaching a length of nearly 8 in. (469) An Italian chemist read this and said,I'm not really interested in the theological aspects of the green monkey frog. (688) What is "frog" definition and meaning? C-R-O-A-K! - The Word "frog" in Example Sentences. (574) They live for some time in water or mud, occasionally entering the bodies of water snails, but undergo no change until they reach the lung of a frog, when the cycle begins anew. (367) Biology students used the nearest laboratory to conduct their infamous frog dissections. 27. i can see that you're a sucker for the Make-believe too. Silence again.". (453) You control Number Muncher a frog-looking character that moves between squares containing different numbers. Machine preparation: loading machine, tip lorry, 8T road roller, Perched on a high-elevation cloud forest leaf the arboreal Hispaniolan crowned, This visual representation of a mathematical model shows the impact of asymmetrical chemical energy on the cell division of an African clawed, 2New species include a camouflaged gecko, a fanged, New species include a camouflaged gecko, a fanged, Danny had to jump out of the way of one car that spun out of the road and into someone's garden, knocking over a gnome and squashing a. The Frog Choir appeared in the feature film version of Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkhaban. The frogs, you see, are under pressure, and not just from the weight of central diktats. Sign up to make the most of YourDictionary. (100) Client beats frog. 2023 LoveToKnow Media. gently asked the frog. (175) My favorite folktale is about a princess and a frog. (318) Here's a picture of that ancient, newly discovered frog from the hills of Kerala. - 10 examples of sentences "frog". They are mainly insectivorous but will tackle scorpions, frogs, lizards and even small birds. Most toads are better at walking or hopping than jumping. Learn how to use FROG in a sentence and make better sentences with `FROG` by reading FROG sentence examples. (137) The prince was turned by magic into a frog. (641) I have a pet lizard named Puff, five goldfish - named Pinky, Brain, Jowels, Pearl and Sandy, an oscar fish named Chef, two pacus, an albino African frog named Whitey, a bonsai tree, four Venus flytraps, a fruit fly farm and sea monkeys. (343) kidnapped by a frog, surrounded by gold beetles, becoming indebted to an old lady rat. The pan is in the shape of a smiling frog sitting on a lily pad, and it holds enough batter for a traditional two-layer cake or standard box of cake mix. (295) The gavel has a frog's head as frogs symbolize change in Japanese culture. (169) We hear the plop of a frog jumping into the canal. (303) 1. Origami frogs can be made from traditional square origami paper and from rectangular dollar bills. Among the inoffensive species are counted the graceful green "tree snake," which pursues frogs, birds and lizards to the topmost branches of the forest; also several species of pythons, the commonest of which is known as the carpet snake. Leap Frog features educational video game systems for children ages three to eight, as well as two reading systems (known as TAG) to help your children begin learning to read independently. There was a frog that jumped in. (89) We dissected a frog in biology class. (470) In addition, both agencies have joined forces to rehabilitate a nearby pond as a future breeding site for the rare frog. (562) Other featured creatures include a fangless snake, a frog that chirps like a cricket, and a pitcher plant that traps insects and grows to a height of over seven metres. (667) The Best Definition of "frog" Ive Heard So Far. He murmurs something that sounds like, my dear leetle mongoose. (671) What Is "frog"? "You are all sitting here listening to me a talking amphibian. Bush could no more turn himself into a man of the people than he could turn Karl Rove into a frog. You can also find a good selection of shirts at Chasing the Frog, which currently has eleven tees, an authentic bowling shirt and a copy of the Dude's Japanese baseball jersey. Large toads and frogs are common, as are scorpions, tarantula spiders, butterflies, hornets and stinging ants. For example, with the red eye tree frog he was interested in the anthropomorphic. (517) A mathematical model of interaural-level-difference detection in auditory neurons in the frog inferior colliculus was established in this paper. Sentences with phrase like a frog (see phrases) Alligator meat is firm textured, but it doesn't shred like pork or flake like fish; in texture, . 12. (154) or perhaps, a frog might be reborn that moment. I'm a happy little person. We hear the plop of a frog jumping into the canal. After finishing all eight levels, you will be given the frog fishing lure, which is great for bass. (181) Most toads do not have teeth amphibian, the frog. (384) Then the frog threw off her frogskin and turned into a beautiful, sweet girl, named Vasilissa. (516) I mean, if you've ever heard the eerie song of the humpback whale [whale song], you know that it don't sound like no spring peeper [frog sound]. (257) In the film a real frog is skinned alive while fish are mutilated. (174) We dissected a frog to examine its internal organs. This may be also true of some of those instances that have occurred among frogs, in Proteus, and with an axolotl once possessed by the present writer. Zukal has considered that the lichen acids protect the lichen from the attacks of animals; the experiments of Zopf, however, have cast doubt on this; certainly lichens containing very bitter acids are eaten by mites though some of the acids appear to be poisonous to frogs. (176) It'll go on and produce a tadpole and then a frog. Before adding this, be opposite in Guangzhou periphery of characteristic agriculture step on a dot, lavender, cherry, Mother Goose!I have never much cared for flippant remarks, especially when others make them, and in particular, I don't give a, This is the boy who played with the toy that scared the, Earlier, actor Warwick Davis, who plays Griphook in the Deathly Hollows movie, led the Hogwarts Frog Choir, a musical group made up of Hogwarts students and six singing, Who does not see that by keeping to this the sensorium can only be the guide of what ensures, in effect, at the simplest level, that when the, Thus, the fate of a mayfly is primarily determined by the histrionics of neighboring, But it turns out that about 8percent of the genes known to cause diseases in humans have counterparts in the genome of Xenopus tropicalisthe western clawed, At the start of the wet season when the billabongs and swamps start to fill with water the night air is filled with the sounds of. That alone is a radical act of creativity. Cuddly monkeys and frogs are also a part of this product line, as well as the more traditional teddy bear in a variety of colors. (536) Perched on a high-elevation cloud forest leaf the arboreal Hispaniolan crowned frog had not been seen since 199until this picture was taken in October 20. (319) A frog may sit in water or completely submerge to replenish moisture in its body. (204) The Mantellidae are Madagascars most diverse frog family. In almost all climes the tortoise and the frog are among the precursors and heralds of this season, and birds fly with song and glancing plumage, and plants spring and bloom, and winds blow, to correct this slight oscillation of the poles and preserve the equilibrium of nature. The others for the most part frequent the rice-fields and live upon frogs. I felt good because I was a, The horny hoof is divided into a wall or crust consisting of the front and sides, the flattened or concave sole, and the, He studied the nature of muscular contraction, causing a muscle to record its movements on a smoked glass plate, and he worked out the problem of the velocity of the nervous impulse both in the motor nerves of the, In the last 30 years, thanks to explorations in remote parts of the world and advances in technology, biologists have, for example, added a full one-third of the known.

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make believe sentence about a frog