fibromyalgia urine smell

Even today, some doctors wave off fibro symptoms as being all in your head. This isnt the case. I thought it was just dust from all the construction but it continued after that, then I saw black mold in the shower treat it all the time but it comes back. Scores of 15-30 are considered a decreased of sense of smell, while less than 15 is a loss of sense of smell. Often this is accompanied by particularly dark or cloudy urine. It has happened again, hence the reason I found this site. It's also called "fish odour syndrome". Yes, I too have had this though intermittently. I mentioned this to my Dentist and she said she'd heard or these "Olfactory Hallucinations" before, triggered by infection and inflammation. I can smell it on my skin, definately my breath. I know i will.!! I sometimes go days without eating because of it. Melissa G. IBS [irritable bowel syndrome] and all the loveliness that entails. =) Now looking back, they should sell those by prescription only and put 3 days worth in a bottle. I'd rather be in class than this). The smell came back about a month later and I went to my GP. I'm also amazed how many people smell this Smoke. There is treatment for this. Another complaint often made by fibromyalgia patients is painful urination. Fibromyalgia causes me to be severely exhausted and in turn I seclude myself because I am embarrassed that I cant go do things like meet friends and family for dinner after working all day. Koroleva V. I am new but just signed up as something came to light while reading this thread that may be the reason for causing the problem for some people (and internationally). That drastic change can happen from one day to the next. Since going to a Counsellor now for 3 months [2 months ago], i have never felt so happy, balanced and enjoying life to it's fullest for such a long time. I will be back here by the week to check for progress just in case so that I can finally mail my Ma' the link to this thread and get her to believe that I ain't making things up to skip school ( sure skipping school is great but not over a bad smell. This sounds really unpleasant for you. Have you tried to flush out the nostrils using a neti pot? Things I once loved I now no longer like - & vice versa. I have to say I love the day-lit hours and the long days of summer but actually prefer the crisp cold weather of wintry sunny days - I'd melt in that heat and would be bed bound, crippled by it!! It is probably not your sports device. I had windows open etc but quickly found over the following days I smell it after a shower, going out to places, in the garden and then remembered this happened in 2014. I thought it might be the result of a sinus rinse I have been using for 2 or 3 years. I really do believe this happens, although I am having tests for Sjorgrens Syndrome some of the symptoms sound just like yours, my nasal passages have no secretions and so are constantly dry cracked and sore, each morning my ritual is the moisten dry ears because they itch like mad deep down-no ear wax! Dont we have a bizarre condition?! I started smelling poop all of the sudden for a while every now and then and after sometime it change to like the smell of wet dirt after it rains the weird thing was, that it was summer and I was inside my house. Inflammatory Bowel Disease and Fibromyalgia, Sources of Foot Pain with Fibromyalgia (FMS), Temperomandibular Joint Dysfunction Syndrome, Fibrofog Cognitive or Memory Impairment, feeling a constant or persistent urge to urinate, going to the bathroom to urinate more than once during the night. If you're found to have another condition, you could still have fibromyalgia as well. Terms. Never really goes away though. Yea, it was just me. Very weird but again, very happy to have found that others are experiencing this. Do either of you see a neurologist? I am really surprised something triggered the connection between what has just happened over the past week that happened in a similiar way on one occasion in 2014. I pray you recover soon! and consult a functional medicine dr. You dont get to pollute mine. All the time. Just like the pain with some doctors (& I do say some) they seem to think it's all in our heads, perhaps it is the same with the smoke??? About 6 years ago I had a 'normal' heavy cold with a cough, which because of my other problems left me in bed for nearly 10 days. In this inherited disorder the body cannot break down phenylalanine, an amino acid. I have the same reactions to smell since childhood. If youre struggling with any of the following symptoms, know you are not alone. flourescent lighting bothers me too. I have not read it all as it is too long to read. If you have fibromyalgia and think that your symptoms may indicate a problem with your urinary tract or pelvic area, consult with your doctor. I do get migraines but I have never been diagnosed with Fibro. Thank you for your question, Im not alone. I have started to smell soot!!. I sometimes go for longs spans of time without the symptombut lately have it once a week. I've had this problem since father's day 2015. Participating in regular exercise is one of the most effective ways to avoid fibromyalgia flares and manage pain. Btw he used smokeless fuel as he knew it annoyed people so you may not even be able to tell who it is. I wonder if it does have something to do with it! Fibromyalgia can also cause: forgetfulness or poor concentration. Here are some factors that can make your urine smell. chris camozzi musician. Copyright 2013-2023 All rights reserved. Triggers for fibromyalgia vary from person to person. Hi Jilly, thanks for taking the time to respond. I am going to try the recommendation of "ctouch" and pay more attention to my diet. LOL! Some people thus affected have been required to have psychological treatment or some have even been institutionalized. I have other issues from car and motorbike accidents which i take over the counter medication for and won't accept anything stronger. I don't smell the fancy perfume my wife wears either? The random back spasms that leave me unable to walk while in the middle of a store. Im talking about things as innocuous as fragrances people choose to wear. Maintaining good posture habits, stretching, and relaxation exercises may also help. Yesterday and the day before it was heavy. .. horrible. Any other advice? People will be very concerned and ask whats wrong they just saw me and I was fine a day or just an hour ago. A couple of years ago, I was talking to my sister about the migraines that run in our family (grandmother, mom, sis & I all had them in our 20s). Like Im appropriately all dressed up and eager for a social gathering, then the feeling of discomfort kicks in with heavy sweating and light headedness due to the heat my body is perceiving. The smell got so strong it made me feel sick. Buddhist temples where incense etc is burned and listed the types of damage including natal etc. Anyway, nothing showed on the scans. You're taking a sulfa drug so that means your urine does become more concentrated. I absolutely refuse to take any sort of medication so I have no idea how this is going to play out. But I have gone to pet stores, and bought the strongest most expensive products they sell washed my hands and clothes and bedding a thousand times. All the time. The cyst and blocked sinus do not seem connected. What now? smell the same for me (the difference is intensity). but like you I don't seem able to stop it or know what triggers it either. That is all that I smell. Today has been a day of complete no taste no smell for me. You're not alone in this. Although I told my GP & a specialist nothing has ever been resolved as to why this is occurring & while it's improved a little it still affects me quite a lot. It's crazy. These may be bacteria, glucose, or amino acids. I cant do anything too long or I get so tired it becomes painful to keep my eyes open. I hope you find the solution to your problem. Tests to check for some of these conditions include urine and blood tests, although you may also have X-rays and other scans. I then remember going overboard more than usual then, so it was possibly in October and triggered off this problem and I have burnt incense on charcoal (more sensibly in 2015 without a problem. My stomach problems interfere with my life constantly. ENT specialist found nothing either and suggested an operation which may or may not work if it gets worse. I had facial paralysis following a massive dental trauma and with it came a metalic taste, a feature of "Bells Palsy", the catch all phrase used in facial nerve paralysis. Functional incontinence - This is normal bladder control but the person just cannot get to the bathroom in time as the result of illness or age. Do not put in when is hot just warm to the touch. I get episodes that can last days or weeks or monthskind of smokey burnt rubber dusty. Content on HealthUnlocked does not replace the relationship between you and doctors or other healthcare professionals nor the advice you receive from them. I have been having this smell for years but I am 16 so I don't remember how long exactly but recently when I started complaining my Ma' went on about "starting again" so I guess I have mentioned it before. My senses have become so amplified, but the strong smells were not expected. Unfortunately it has many different smells. No one gets pain, hypersensitivity, etc. It makes no sense. And is it still working? Just typing this has taken me 15 minutes because Ive had to go back and rewrite words that were severely misspelled or made no sense. Marissa E. I mix up words and it comes out so weird! This article discusses the symptoms of fibromyalgia flares, their causes, and how to manage them. While CBD is non-toxic, we recommend . Difficulty Focusing Fibromyalgia can cause widespread pain, fatigue, and stiffness. Was it because out of the whole 120 employees, i received 8 customer service awards for doing the right thing and knowing my stuff in a short 9 months of being there? Any cookies that may not be particularly necessary for the website to function and is used specifically to collect user personal data via analytics, ads, other embedded contents are termed as non-necessary cookies. These types of issues.seem to be better understood by doctors in the field of neurology. Many people with fibromyalgia experience stress and feelings of depression, anxiety, and frustration. I can confirm that I have not felt this smell before or even if I did it was so rare i can't remember. I didn't know it was as common as it appears to be here.drives me nuts. They smelled a little strong to me but not that big of a deal. I just can't smell anything at all.! I have been putting it all down to anxiety. Oh and I do have COPD, Im not sure that means anything. Objective: To determine if abnormal collagen metabolism is a characteristic of fibromyalgia. ago. Narrowed arteries can reduce blood flow and affect the function of your organs. Normal urine acidic-to-alkaline levels range from 4.5 to 8 pH. It does not provide medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. The weirdest thing is that i smell it worse indoors [anywhere - shopping centre, my house, someone else's house] but not so much outdoors, but still smell it. People with MCS have reactions to chemicals, not smells. This seems to be another thing that I smell. The urine of a healthy and adequately hydrated person should be light in color and have little odor. Hi, I have been having a strange smell since January. Nothing new but it is good to have a name for it. The brain cannot remember smells no matter what you have heard. I don't know why, but as i have never opened up about anything on a forum to complete strangers, i though i might have been put down, like i was at my jobthat self defense auto pilot mechanism is always on stand by..LOL. Trimethylaminuria ('fish odour syndrome') Trimethylaminuria (TMAU) is an uncommon condition that causes an unpleasant, fishy smell. Fibromyalgia symptoms like numbness, tingling, and pain can be tied to your environment. Try looking up "Phantosmia" to help you with what you are dealing with, because I am not clinically trained to deal with anything. Also, do you still have THE smell? even 'feels' acrid. Basically, it makes actual sense that hiding one's face in their shirt would help the smell go away. Urinary and pelvic complaints are common symptoms of fibromyalgia, particularly in women with the disease. Thank you. I know this because in the past 6 weeks, I have been in 3 different countries (business travel), in a variety of hotels, and in my house and my mother's house. The weirdest thing for me, when my eyes start tearing up and can't bear it any longer, i pull open my t-shirt, put my face in there and breath air from there and it vanishes within seconds, the Dr's are baffled too, but works for me. Regular physical activity can often improve symptoms of fibromyalgia. It will come on very mildly, then get heavier and really badthen completely gone without a tracebut still never can smell anything else after it, it as if my scent part in my brain has stopped working? I dont pollute yours. It was immediately absorbed into my mucous membranes, and I could taste that smell for the rest of the day, no matter how hard I tried to mask it with coffee, Lifesavers, or unscented air freshener. One time I kept saying potatoes instead of donuts. D**m us and children for being affected by these solvents and ruining everything(sarcasm). I know your post is a few years old but I seem to have all these symptoms. People over the age of 50 are also at greater risk for urinary and pelvic symptoms. Does anyone else have these problems? It's like he's here but he's been dead for more than two yrs. So, Im not crazy?!? Nursing State Senator Sparks Outrage, Says Nurses "Play Cards . I dont like being the center of attention and nothing screams look at me like not being able to move. Megan M. I get random muscle spasms. These strange odors that no one else smell usually come during highly stressed times, or during fibro flares. In fact, fragrance-free workplaces have become common. urine smell cactusflower1963 posted: Many months ago, maybe last year, I know we had a discussion about urine smell and how some of ours has a strong or offensive odor that lingers. Histamine helps regulate many bodily functions including digestion, sleep, sexual function, and blood pressure, and in the brain it functions as a neurotransmitter, carrying chemical messages between nerve cells. People think youre lazy, but my legs literally want to give out! Meena N. I love being active and going places like the zoo or amusement parks with friends. yellow eyes or skin. The problem is you don't always recognize the signals your body is giving you. About the trick of smelling inside your shirt, I have resourced to that too. I am wondering if your situation is being caused by the same sort of thing. Called a friend to come over and take a look at it. Nasal Spray.. addictive yes. But to this day I still have strange smells in my nose. After 8 months living in my car I am getting it in control but just my coat has enough inside it to start it all over again for weeks even after being washed. And don't worry, the vinegar smell will go away too once it dries up. I'm really eager to know did you ever get to the bottom of this as I'm struggling sooooooooo much with the exact same thing. Too late. Other people detected some slight odor from these, but I was affected more strongly. I had lots of tests at the hospital because they were worried that it was DVT. One time I kept saying potatoes instead of donuts. unusual tiredness or weakness. It's nuts. Fibromyalgia has several symptoms, which means that no one treatment will fix them all. I think because I grew up with 4 chain smokers who rolled their own I've always had an intense dislike for it. Some people with MCS have no sense of smell. The only thing I can relate that to, is that the medications that I take - makes my urine have a "smell." I do not remember my urine ever having such a strong smell and I drink a lot of water. unconscious. I don't go dizzy or anything ,and no ear) feel like your ear is full of water and that I'm in a swimming pool (echoing). Just typing this has taken me 15 minutes because Ive had to go back and rewrite words that were severely misspelled or made no sense. Marissa E. I mix up words and it comes out so weird! It is important to describe your symptoms as accurately as possible to your doctor so that you can receive the best possible treatment thats available to you. home but we had mold in air conditioners where crawl space got wet. I agonized over my decision to take action, but I finally had no choice. Unfortunately, strong odors are not limited to the workplace. It drives me crazy and find it hard to sleep. But now I am not on any prescription meds and the musty burnt smell has been with me for a couple of weeks. Nausea and vomiting along with pain and temperature may indicate a more complicated UTI, in which a kidney is infected. And the smell has changed a little. Like a mental tennis match. I suffered for close to 17 years before coming across information about surgery known as "ablation of the olfactory mucosa" I had the procedure done in 2006 at the Cleveland Clinic! I use a lot of Post-it notes and set reminders for just about everything. Bee E. Not being able to process what someone is saying to you and then looking rude for asking what they said more than once because to your brain they may as well be speaking gibberish. Dani S. Definitely the brain fog. The vinegar will help neutralize the ammonia in the urine which produces the foul smell. Like just suddenly and out of nowhere, my bladder cramps and I have to go immediately. I hate cigarette smoke. Its extremely hard to find a seriously knowledgeable empathetic Fibro friendly GP or consultant. I've tried nasal sprays, and antibiotics from the Dr in case it was a bacterial infection in my sinuses. You're just dehydrated from the medication. I have been dealing with this for 20 years. Sometimes I get the cigar smell but generally it is a smell I can not describe. If a person with fibromyalgia does too much on days where their symptoms are good, they may end up having more bad days. As a 23-year-old, people my own age can get annoyed by my needing to stop, and I will sometimes get questioning stares from older people or comments like youre too young to have those pains. I usually try to push myself as much as possible, but that only makes the pain worse when I finally do cave and take a break. Shelby C. The red rash I get on my neck from thin air. When my sister had her baby I was holding her and sniffling and some thought I was sick and holding a newborn! You aren't really smelling smoke but a nerve is sending a message that tells your brain it is. I couldn't do it. I also have teenager stepdaughters that insist on having perfume all over their bodies. A doctor. That I can't get rid of. I will mention that to my Dr next as i have nothing else. Sorry that some of you have been having this problems for a long time, my problem only started a few weeks ago. God No.. this would be awful. Some of the chemicals they react to have no odour. But out of interest i would ask people near to you just incase. Black which has a sweet aroma. A previous GP gave me inhalers because of the smog in Carlisle that and petrol fumes make me gag, yeurgh I live by the sea where the air is fresher now and don't have problems with that side of it anymore, only petrol stations. I have had to cut my hours back at work and Im barely making it by. Wet dog + shampoo, yeuk .I just can`t immagine what it must be like for you and having everything taste bad must be awful. Turns out my neighbour puts some kind of scent on his stove which filled my house every night. If anyone in my house has been cooking, even hours before I arrive, Im nauseous the moment I open the door. They include: Although some triggers for fibromyalgia are beyond a persons control, managing modifiable risk factors can help to prevent flare ups. Read More. What a bizarre sensation squirting warm water up your schnoz and it draining out the other nostril. THank you. Both of these things can lend a more pungent aroma to your urine. There is currently no cure, but an anti-inflammatory diet might help. Its so embarrassing to lose my train of thought mid-sentence and be incapable of carrying an intelligent conversation, or completely forget something someone told me. I have suffered for 6 months with it coming and going, no pattern or other symtoms. Dangerous levels of PFOs have leached into drinking water finding their way into fish caught in U.S. rivers and lakes. I was very stressed and could not sleep. Fibromuscular dysplasia is a condition that causes narrowing (stenosis) and enlargement (aneurysm) of the medium-sized arteries in your body. The brain does make associations. I hate this smell. 13. When that happens everyone notices the sudden change and then asks whats wrong because I still look in shape or healthy. Katherine L. hen my body locks up suddenly, or when I cant get up off the sofa without making some embarrassing grunting noise. Although there is no specific diet recommended for people with fibromyalgia, there are certain foods that appear to make fibromyalgia symptoms worse. I cant eat, or do anything! I later started to have the same dizziness in a doctors office and I noticed it would improve with open doors. Sure wish I knew what was causing it. After a severe cold which repeated itself twice I have messed up sense of smell now. Fell free to message me at if I can help answer any questions or provide any support! Also you have brain fog, joint and body pain. People look at me funny because it sounds so [silly] sometimes. I did start to wonder if our neighbour was growing something, just trying to figure out what and where the smell is coming from. About | . Smelling Urine when None Is Around I have fibromyalgia and when I am experiencing a flare in and around the bladder, urine smells like burnt rubber. . Wet wood smell. When fibromyalgia pains flare up, every activity can seem more difficult. Since I'm not a doctor, I'm not going to suggest treatment. Symptoms of fibromyalgia flares vary but often involve widespread pain, joint stiffness, and extreme. Than 15 is a loss of sense of smell now there is currently no cure, but the smells! Flares, their causes, and frustration but not that big of a healthy adequately... Last days or weeks or monthskind of smokey burnt rubber dusty or even I! Strong to me but not that big of a deal us and children for being affected by these solvents ruining! 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fibromyalgia urine smell